How to check WiFi network speed to work online at home simply

How to check WiFi network speed to work online at home simply

Sometimes when you use WiFi, you will feel the network speed is reduced or slowed down a lot. In this article, I will guide you through some ways to check the Internet speed, Viettel, FPT, VNPT WiFi to work online at home on your computer simply and quickly.

1. How to check WiFi speed?

Checking WiFi speed helps you know how fast the WiFi network you are using is? High or low? Is the speed stable or unstable? From there, you can find solutions to fix this situation.

- Network speed test process

Testing network speed is measuring three factors: Ping speed, download speed, upload speed. The results measured from these three factors will reflect the fast or slow speed of the WiFi network.

+ Ping speed (Ping rate): This is a parameter that shows the latency of the network. Ping speed is the time it takes for a data packet to be sent from one computer to another and then receive a response signal back. The lower the ping speed, the stronger your WiFi network speed is. In Vietnam, a good ping speed is usually under 50ms (Milliseconds).

+ Download speed: Download speed is the speed at which data is downloaded from the network to your computer via the Internet, measured in MBps (Megabits per second).

+ Upload speed: Upload speed is also known as the speed at which data is downloaded from your computer to the network. Currently, WiFi networks all use fiber optic cables, so the upload speed is usually equal to or not much different from the download speed.

- Benefits of checking network speed

Checking network speed regularly helps you know whether the network speed is fast or slow, especially for WiFi networks that have been used for a long time. This will help you quickly fix low network speed so that your work and daily life are not interrupted.

2. How to check network speed on computer

Use the speedtest feature on

- Step 1: Access the website

You access the page and click on the "GO" button

(button GO)

- Step 2: Compare results

You wait about 5 - 10 seconds for the system to measure and give results of 3 parameters: Ping speed, download speed and upload speed.

(Internet access measurement results)

Result parameters :

- Download : Download bandwidth from checkpoint to user device

- Upload : Upload bandwidth from user device to checkpoint

- Ping : Average network transmission time from user device to checkpoint

- Jitter : Time delay between two consecutive packets transmitted in the same stream

You can get the link and share the results


- Step 1: Access the website

You access the website > Click the Go button to start.

Nút Go

Go button

- Step 2: Compare results

You wait about 5 - 10 seconds for the system to measure and give results of 3 parameters: Ping speed, download speed and upload speed.

Kết quả trả về

Returned results

In the download speed and upload speed section, because the unit of measurement on the web is Mbps, you need to convert it to MBps by dividing by 8.

For example: The download speed in the image is 85.81 Mbps, divided by 8 is 10.72 MBps. This means that when you download data, each second will download 10.72 MB.


- Step 1: Access the website

You visit the website > Press the "Thực hiện đo" button to start.

Nháy chọn Thực hiện đo

Click Perform Measurement

- Step 2: Check the measured results displayed on the screen, including the following indicators: Download speed, Upload speed, Ping and Jitter.

Kết quả đo được bằng

Results measured by

Use Fast

You visit the website Fast. As soon as you enter the Fast homepage interface, the system will automatically measure your Internet speed and give results immediately.

Kết quả đo bằng Fast

Measurement results by Fast

You can press the Reset button to measure again.

Nút Reset để đo lại

Reset button to re-measure

Click the Show more info button to see the parameters of latency and upload speed.

Thông số về độ trễ và tốc độ upload

Latency and upload speed parameters


3. How to check network speed on phone

Use SpeedTest app

- Step 1: Download the SpeedTest app on GG Play & AppStore.

- Step 2: After installing the Speedtest application, users access the application. Here, press GO to start.

Nhấn vào GO để bắt đầu

Click GO to start

- Step 3: Check your network connection speed:

PING: The transmission speed of a packet.
DOWNLOAD: The download speed of the file, measured in Mbps (Megabits/second).
UPLOAD: The upload speed of the file, measured in Mbps (Megabits/second).
JITTER AND LOSS: An unusual delay in sending data packets over the network.

Kết quả kiểm tra tốc độ mạng bằng Speedtest

Speedtest Network Speed ​​Test Results

Using the Fast app

- Step 1: Download the Fast app on GG Play & AppStore.

- Step 2: After downloading the application, users can open the application and measure immediately.

Kết quả khi đo bằng app Fast

Results when measuring with the Fast app

4. How to check WiFi signal strength

With Command Prompt
- Step 1: Open the Command Promt window
Click the Search button> Enter "Command Promt" in the search bar> Select Run as administrator.

Mở cửa sổ Command Promt

Open Command Prompt window

The Command Prompt window that appears will have an interface as shown below.

Giao diện cửa sổ Command Promt

Command Prompt Window Interface

- Step 2: Check WiFi Signal Strength
Copy the command line below and paste it into the Command Prompt window.

netsh wlan show interfaces

Nhập lệnh vào Command Prompt

Enter the command into Command Prompt

The result is a series of information related to WiFi connections on the computer. You will see the result of measuring the WiFi signal strength in the Signal line (As shown in the picture, it is 56%).

Quan sát dòng Signal

Observe the Signal line

Usually, the best WiFi signal strength is considered to be 75% or higher. If it is below 75%, you should move the WiFi Router closer to the computer or check if the Router is damaged and replace it with a new one.

Using PowerShell

- Step 1: Open PowerShell

Right-click the Start button in the left corner of the screen or press the key combination Windows + X > Press Window PowerShell (Admin).

Mở PowerShell

Open PowerShell

The PowerShell window that appears looks like the image below.

Cửa sổ PowerShell

PowerShell Window

- Step 2: Check WiFi Signal Strength
Copy the command line below and paste it into the PowerShell window.

(netsh wlan show interfaces) -Match ‘^\s+Signal’ -Replace ‘^\s+Signal\s+:\s+’, ' '

Nhập lệnh vào PowerShell

Enter the command into PowerShell

The result is a percentage below the command line you just copied into the window. This number (99%) represents the WiFi signal strength your computer receives.

Kết quả cường độ tín hiệu WiFi trên máy bạn

WiFi signal strength results on your device

Normally, the best WiFi signal strength is considered to be 75% or higher. If it is below 75%, you should move the WiFi Router closer to your computer or check if the Router is damaged and replace it with a new one.

5. What to do after checking the network speed?

After you have checked the network speed and found it slower than the service package that the network operator has committed to in the contract, contact the network operator's switchboard to resolve it.

In addition, slow network speed can be due to the following reasons. You can refer to and find ways to fix it:

- Too many people share the same network: Many people accessing the same WiFi network will cause the network speed to slow down. You should regularly change your WiFi password to avoid the situation where neighbors and people around use your WiFi for free.

Nhiều người sử dụng chung một Wifi khiến tốc độ mạng giảm

Many people using the same Wifi causes the network speed to decrease


- Old WiFi Router: If you have installed WiFi for a long time and have not replaced the Router, this is also a reason for slow network speed. You should clean, maintain or replace the WiFi Router to fix this problem.

Cần thay Router Wifi khác sau thời gian dài sử dụng


Need to replace another WiFi Router after a long time of use

- Old or exposed cables: The cables connecting from the street to the WiFi Router or the Router's power cord may be old or exposed due to mice, cats, etc. biting, causing the transmission speed to decrease. You can contact the network operator for advice and support.

Above is some information about the method of testing WiFi speed as well as instructions on how to use tools such as SpeedTest, Fast, Command Promt, PowerShell to test network speed. Thank you for following and see you again in the next articles.

Source: Collector

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